Micky White Vivaldi

Home »Italian Composers » Vivaldi

You put them together and you've got Vivaldi,” British researcher Micky White told CNA Aug. It's a combination altogether “bizarre,” she said. “Vivaldi the priest, deeply spiritual, comes out in. (EN) Alberto Gentili, Vivaldi and Stradella: a recent discovery, «The Musical Times», 1927, vol. LXVIII, 507-508 (EN) Beth Glixton e Micky White, Creso tolto a le fiamme: Girolamo Polani, Antonio Vivaldi, and opera production at the Teatro S. Angelo, 1705-1706, «Studi Vivaldiani. Rivista annuale dell'Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi», 2008.

NewOlde.com Vivaldi Operas - Chronological list of all known operas with comments on recordings and information on forthcoming and new releases.

Micky White Vivaldi

Video of Vivaldi Gloria RV589 & excerpts from RV588. Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano. Sara Mingardo, contralto; Anna Simboli, soprano. Broadcast on Arte TV, France in April 2010. Playlist (RV588=A): 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10A.

Recent Books & Scores

Micky White. Antonio Vivaldi: A Life in Documents. Olschki, forthcoming. Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Studi di musica veneta. Quaderni vivaldiani, vol. 17.
Michael Talbot. The Vivaldi Compendium. Details. 270 pages. Boydell Press, July 2011. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Paperback reprint, October 2013. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Francesco Fanna & Michael Talbot (eds.) Antonio Vivaldi: Passato e Futuro. Fondazione Giorgio Cini 2009. Collection of 34 papers by Vivaldi scholars presented at a conference in 2007. The entire book can be downloaded as pdf files - HERE. Most articles are in Italian, but there are 9 articles in English and a few in German and French.
Reinhard Strohm. The Operas of Antonio Vivaldi. Fondazione Giorgio Cini - Studi di musica veneta - Quaderni vivaldiani, vol. 13. Details (pdf). Olschki (2008). 2 volumes, 792 pages. US | IT | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Peter Ryom. RV - Antonio Vivaldi. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke (Thematic-systematic Catalogue of His Works). Breitkopf & Härtel 2007. Details with sample pages (pdf). 633 pages. This much expanded new edition of the RV thematic catalogue contains all the known works of Vivaldi with incipits for all movements and cross references showing self-borrowings. Reviewed by Clifford Bartlett in EMR 121:12-13 (October 2007). Highly recommended! US | UK | FR | DE
Michael Talbot (ed). Vivaldi, 'Motezuma' and the Opera Seria: Essays on a Newly Discovered Work and Its Background. Brepols 2008. Details. Includes 'Vivaldi and his Operas, 1730-1734, a Critical Survey' by Reinhard Strohm; 'The Vinci-Vivaldi Interconnections, 1724-26 and Beyond, Implications for the Late Style of Vivaldi' by Kurt Markstrom; 'Taming the Exotic: Vivaldi's Armida al Campo d'Egitto' by Melania Bucciarelli; 'Vivaldi's 'Late' Style: Final Fruition or Terminal Decline' by Michael Talbot. 236 pages. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Michael Talbot (ed). Vivaldi, Juditha Triumphans: Critical Edition. Ricordi 2008. 372 pages. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Eleanor Selfridge-Field. A New Chronology of Venetian Opera and Related Genres, 1660-1760. Stanford University Press, September 2007. 784 pages. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Melania Bucciarelli & Berta Joncus (eds.) Music as Social and Cultural Practice: Essays in Honour of Reinhard Strohm. Details. Includes 'How operatic is Vivaldi's Juditha triumphans' by Michael Talbot. Boydell Press, July 2007. 464 pages. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Eleanor Selfridge-Field. Song and Season: Science, Culture and Theatrical Time in Early Modern Venice. Stanford University Press, September 2007. 400 pages. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Michael Talbot & Federico Maria Sardelli. Vivaldi's Music for Flute and Recorder. Ashgate 2007. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Web Groups

viva-vivaldi [Latest messages]

The Red Priest [Latest messages]


BBC Documentary: Vivaldi and the Women of the Pietà

The Scanderbeg Operas of Vivaldi and Francoeur - Vivaldi's Scanderbeg (Florence 1718) is known only from the printed libretto (text by Salvi) and four arias. It was the only Vivaldi opera in with Francesca Cuzzoni appeared (as Doneca).

Places a Vivaldi enthusiast should visit when in Venice, recommended by RhGliere.


  • Vivaldi's Argippo (Prague 1730) has been reconstructed based largely on a manuscript discovered in Regensburg by Ondřej Macek after Ryom (2007) went to press and will receive its modern premiere in Prague by Baroque Ensemble Hofmusici on 3 May. Details.
  • 'Two More New Vivaldi Finds in Dresden' by Janice Stockigt & Michael Talbot. Eighteenth-Century Music 3/1, 35-61 (2006). Free download available. To save, print to a Microsoft XPS file.
  • A Conversation with Michael Talbot: Recent Vivaldi Discoveries. By Frédéric Delaméa. Goldberg Magazine 33, April 2005.
  • Symposium: Vivaldi's Motezuma and Exoticism in Opera Seria. Rotterdam, 11 June 2005. Michael Talbot, chair. Additional presentations by Reinhard Strohm, Steffen Voss, Enrico Careri and Melania Bucciarelli. In conjunction with a performance directed by Federico Maria Sardelli. Details.
  • Vivaldi and the Pietà- lecture notes by Micky White, Librarian at the Ospedale della Pietà Venice (pdf). Micky White's research in the original, handwritten records of the Pietà has disproven many myths about the Pietà that still appear regularly in scholarly books and CD liner notes. It was an institution for unwanted and abandoned children, but not a school for girls, a musical academy, an orphanage or a convent. With one exception Ms. White has uncovered to date -- Santina, who married an opera singer -- no women from are known to have violated their promise not to perform in public after leaving the Pietà. Neither Anna Girò nor Faustina Bordoni studied at the Pietà.
  • A film to watch for: 'Why Vivaldi?' (2003), director/writer/producer: Teddy Grouya. 70 minutes. Details.
  • Six arias from the lost opera La costanza trionfante degl'amori e degl'odii (1716) have been discovered in the archive of Berkeley Castle, Glouscestershire. BBC, 30 October 2004.
  • If you have a broadband connection, you can watch an interesting production of Vivaldi's Four Seasons online from the RTSI website (scroll to bottom). It features I Barrochisti, directed by Diego Fasolis, with Duilio Galfetti violin solo and an expanded baroque orchestra including woodwinds, horns and hurdy-gurdy, and a costumed actor and narrator.
  • Montezuma rediscovered! About 3/4 of the the 'lost' Vivaldi opera Montezuma (1733) has been rediscovered in the archives of the Berlin Sing-Akademie that were taken illegally to Kiev by the Russians after WWII and returned in 2001. The beginning parts of Act I and III and the finale to Act III are missing, but about half of the missing music can be reconstructed based on arias with similar texts in other Vivaldi operas. The score includes three magnificent and heretofore unknown accompagnati for Mitrena (Anna Girò) as well as a trio. Details are forthcoming in a paper by Steffen Voss. (Reports by François Farges on the Viva-Vivaldi Yahoo! group.) (The Malgoire recording of Montezuma is his own pasticcio of other Vivaldi music to the libretto of Montezuma.) For more information about the Sing-Akademie archives, see 'Recovered in Kiev: Bach et al.: A Preliminary Report on the Music Collection of the Berlin Sing-Akademie' by Christoph Wolff. Notes 58.2 (2001) 259-271.
  • Janice Stockigt discovered a Nisi Dominus obviously misattributed to Galuppi in Dresden and asked Michael Talbot to confirm whether it was composed by Vivaldi. Upon examination, Talbot discovered that it is the lost Vesper psalm from a set of five composed by Vivaldi in 1739 for the Pietà. Scoring is for one soprano and two altos, strings, plus tenor chalumeau, violino in tromba marina, and viola d'amore. It has been catalogued as RV 803 and will be performed for the first time by the Dresdner Barockorchester on 7 December. Details about the work and its discovery will appear in an article in the March 2004 issue of the new journal Eighteenth Century Music. (From Andante, copied to The Red Priest group.) Update February 2004: The new Nisi Dominus is included in Robert King's final volume (Vol. 10) of Vivaldi Sacred Music on Hyperion.
  • A hitherto unknown portrait of Vivaldi by Ghezzi has been discovered in Moscow. A copy appears in Studi Vivaldiani 2-2002, together with an article about it by Federico Maria Sardelli. (Jean Cassignol on The Red Priest group.)

Recent Recordings other than opera

Vivaldi. Glorias RV 588 & RV 589, Ostro picta RV 642. Naïve / Opus 111 Vivaldi Edition OPS 30485 (1 CD, August 2009). Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano. Sara Mingardo, contralto. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. New Discoveries. Naïve / Opus 111 Vivaldi Edition (1 CD, March 2009). Details. Federico Maria Sardelli, Modo Antiquo. Romina Basso, mezzo-soprano. Includes motet Vos invito RV 811; Se lento ancora il fulmine, aria from Agrippo RV 697; aria Se fide quanto belle RV 749.32; concerto RV 157 for strings; concerto RV 812 for oboe & cello; concerto RV 578a for two violins and cello; sonata RV 806 for recorder; sonatas RV 798 & RV 810 for violin. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Concerti per Violino 3 - 'Il Ballo'. Naïve / Opus 111 Vivaldi Edition OPS 30474 (1 CD, March 2009). Duilio Galfetti, violin. Diego Fasolis, I Barocchisti. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Juditha Triumphans RV644 (1716). ABC Classics 476 6957 (2 CDs, January 2008). Attilio Cremonesi, Orchestra of the Antipodes. Juditha: Sally-Anne Russell, mezzo-soprano; Holofernes: David Walker, countertenor; Abra: Sara Macliver, soprano; Vagaus: Fiona Campbell, mezzo-soprano; Ozias: Renée Martin, mezzo-soprano. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Vespro per la Vergine. dhm 88697318702 (1 CD, October 2008). Roland Wilson, Musica Fiata, La Capella Ducale. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Mottetti Sacri. Stradivarius (1 CD, August 2008). Claudio Astronio, Harmonices Mundi, Bozen Baroque Orchestra & Choir. Susanne Rydén, soprano; Gemma Bertagnolli, soprano; Massimiliano Mauthe, countertenor. US | UK | FR | DE | JP
Vivaldi. Concerti per violoncello, vol. 2. Naïve / Opus 111 (1 CD, August 2008). Christophe Coin, cello. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Concertos & Cantata with Bassoon. Etcetera KTC 1324 (1 CD, April 2008). Details. Pieter Dirksen, La Suave Melodia. Frans Robert Berkhout, bassoon; Georgia Brown, traverso; Clint van der Linde, countertenor. UK | FR | DE | JP
Vivaldi. Arie ritrovate. Naïve / Opus 111 OP 30433 Vivaldi Edition (1 CD, February 2008). Sonia Prina, contralto. Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina. Stefano Montanari, violin. Arias from La verità in cimento, Orlando furioso, Scanderbeg, Teuzzone & Tito Manlio, violin concerto RV 369, concerto for strings RV 136. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Amor Profano - Arias. DG-Archiv 477 661-8 (1 CD, January 2008). Simone Kermes, soprano; Andrea Marcon, Venice Baroque Orchestra. Arias from Olimpiade, La fede tradita e vendicata, Orlando furioso, Tito Manlio, Semiramide, Tigrane, Catone in Utica, Il Bajazet, Griselda, La verità in cimento. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Le Quattro Stagioni / Concerto for Cello RV 403/ La Follia variations RV 63. Accent ACC 24179 (1 CD, April 2007). Sigiswald Kuijken, violin and violoncello da spalla, La Petite Bande. Dmitri Badiarov, Luis Otavo Santos & Sarah Kuijken, violin; Frank Agsteribbe, harpsichord. One to a part performances with Sigiswald Kuijken playing the shoulder-held violoncello da spalla except when he is the violin soloist. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Concerti per cello vol. 1. Naïve (Opus 111) Vivaldi Edition (1 CD, March 2007). Christophe Coin, cello. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Musica per Mandolino e Luito. Naïve (Opus 111) Vivaldi Edition (1 CD, January 2007). Rolf Lislevand, lute and mandolino. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi, Sammartini, Boccherini, Monza, Demachi. Improvisata - Sinfonie con titoli. Virgin VC3634302 (1 CD, April 2007). Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. 12 Sonatas for Violin and Basso Continuo Op. 2 (1709). Glossa GCD 921202(1 CD, January 2007). Details. Enrico Gatti, violin. Ensemble Aurora. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Amor Sacro. DG-Archiv 474 5980 (1 CD, February 2007). Details. Motetti: 'In furore', 'Nulla in mundo pax sincera', 'In turbato mare irato', 'Sum in medio tempestatum'. Simone Kermes, soprano. Andrea Marcon, Venice Baroque Orchestra. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Concerto Rustico. Berlin Classics (1 CD, October 2006). Alessandro de Marchi, Academia Montis Regalis. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi, Dixit Dominus RV 807 (first recording). Galuppi, Laetatus sum, Nisi Dominus, Lauda Jerusalem. DG-Archiv 289 477 6145 (1 CD, April 2006). Audio excerpts - great performance of 'De torrente' by Sara Mingardo! Liner notes: Psalm Settings by Vivaldi and Galuppi: A Major New Discovery from Dresden, by Michael Talbot. Peter Kopp, Körnerscher Sing-Verein Dresden, Dresdner Instrumental-Concert. Roberta Invernizzi, soprano; Lucia Cirillo, soprano; Sara Mingardo, contralto; Paul Agnew, tenor; Thomas Cooley, tenor; Sergio Foresti, bass; Georg Zeppenfeld, bass. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Concerti per violino I - La caccia. Naïve / Opus 111 (1 CD, March 2006). Enrico Onofri, violin. Alessandro di Marchi, Academia Montis Regalis. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. In furore / Laudate pueri. Naïve / Opus 111 (1 CD, March 2006). Sandrine Piau, soprano. Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Arie per basso. Naïve / Opus 111 (1 CD, February 2006). Lorenzo Regazzo, bass. Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Arie d'Opera. Opus 111 OP30411 (1 CD, August 2005). Federico Maria Sardelli, Modo Antiquo. Sandrine Piau, soprano; Ann Hallenberg, mezzo-soprano; Paul Agnew, tenor; Guillemette Laurens, mezzo-soprano. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. 9 Sonatas for Cello & Basso Continuo. Arte dell'arco TDK-AD012 (2 CDs 2005). Hidemi Suzuki, cello; Rainer Zipperling, cello; Eero Palviainen, lute. UK | DE | FR | JP
Vivaldi. Complete Sacred Music. Hyperion CDS 4417181 (11 CDs). Robert King, The King's Consort. Details. This fine series has been reissued in a box set. Texts and English translations are included, but the sleeve notes by Michael Talbot have been omitted. However, the sleeve notes for six of the 10 volumes are available online: [vol. 5][vol. 6][vol. 7][vol. 8][vol. 9][vol. 10] US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Concerti e cantate da camera 3. Opus 111 OP30381 (1 CD 2005). Laura Polverelli, contralto. Giorgio Tabacco, L'Astrée. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Virtuoso Cantatas. Virgin 545721-2 (1 CD, February 2005). Details. Philippe Jaroussky, countertenor. Ensemble Artaserse. Yoko Nakamura, harpsichord & organ; Claire Antonini, theorbo & baroque lute; Jérémie Papasergio, bassoon; Emilia Gliozzi, cello. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Micky White Vivaldi Album

Vivaldi, Albinoni, Porta & possibly Porpora & Biffi. Andromeda liberata (1726). DG-Archiv 477 098-2 (2 CDs, October 2004). Details. A pasticcio serenata. Michael Talbot believes that Vivaldi's only contribution was the aria 'Sovvente il sole'. He 'would assign Andromeda's arias to Porta, Meliso's arias, the choruses and the Sinfonia to Porpora (who may have used the tradition of his native city, Naples, in calling the hunting horns trombe), Daliso's arias to Biffi (with less certainty, however), Cassiope's arias, Perseo's other aria and perhaps Andromeda and Perseo's duet to Albinoni.' Goldberg Magazine interview, page 2. Outstanding recording! Andrea Marcon, Venice Baroque Orchestra. La Stagione Armonica, Sergio Balestracci, director. Andromeda: Simone Kermes, soprano; Cassiope: Katerina Beranova, soprano; Melise: Anna Bonitatibus, contralto; Perseo: Max Emanuel Cencic, countertenor; Daliso: Mark Tucker, tenor. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Stabat Mater, Nisi Dominus & Concerto for Viola d'Amore. Mirare 9963 (1 CD, October 2004). Philippe Pierlot, Ricercar Consort. Carlos Mena, countertenor; François Fernandez, viola d'amore. UK | FR | DE
Vivaldi. Concerti e Cantate da Camera, volume 2. Opus 111 (1 CD, August 2004). Gemma Bertagnolli, soprano. Giorgio Tabacco, Ensemble L'Astrée. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Vespri per l'Assunzione di Maria Vergine. Opus 111 (Naïve) OP 30383 (2 CDs, September 2003). Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano. Antonio de Secondi, violin. Gemma Bertagnolli, soprano; Roberta Invernizzi, soprano; Anna Simboli, soprano; Sara Mingardo, contralto; Gianluca Ferrarini, tenor; Mateo Bellotto, baritone. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Reissued in September 2008. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Vivaldi. Mottetti. Opus 111 (Naïve) OP 30314 (1 CD, May 2003). RV 629, 631, 633, 623, 628 & 630. Alessandro de Marchi, Accademia Montis Regalis. Anke Herrmann, soprano; Laura Polverelli, mezzosoprano. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Juditha Triumphans. Opus 111 OPS 30-314 (3 CDs 2001). Booklet (pdf). Alessandro de Marchi, Academia Montis Regalis, Magdalena Kožená, Anke Herrmann, Maria José Trullu, Marina Camparato, Tiziana Carraro, Roma Coro dell'Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Trumpet sinfonia RV562 precedes the work. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Juditha Triumphans. Tactus TC 672290 (2 CDs 2002). Federico Maria Sardelli, Modo Antiquo. Juditha: Barbara di Castri, mezzo-soprano; Holofernes: Licia Sciannimanico, mezzo-soprano; Vagaus: Nicki Kennedy, soprano; Abra: Alessandra Rossi, soprano; Ozias: Rowena Anketell, mezzo-soprano. US | DE | CA | JP
Vivaldi. Juditha Triumphans. RSTI Multimedia (2 CDs 2001). Diego Fasolis, I Barocchisti, Coro della Radio svizzera. Juditha: Sara Mingardo, mezzo-soprano; Holofernes: Guillemette Laurens, mezzo-soprano; Vagaus: Roberta Invernizzi, soprano; Abra: Manuela Custer, soprano; Ozias: Tiziana Pizzi, mezzo-soprano. Details.
Vivaldi. La Senna Festeggiante. Opus 111 OPS 30-339 (1 CD 2002). Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano. L'Età dell'Oro: Juanita Lascarro, soprano; La Senna: Nicola Ulivieri, bass; La Virtù: Sonia Prina, contralto. Total time: 72'41. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Vivaldi. La Senna Festeggiante. Accord 206172 (2 CDs 1997), reissued on 476054-2 (2003). Martin Gester, Le Parlement de Musique. L'Età dell'Oro: Delphine Collot; La Virtù: Katalin Károlyi; La Senna: Stephan MacLeod. Bright and pleasant, and a great advance over the old Scimone set. Time: 84'23. UK | DE | FR | JP
Vivaldi. La Senna Festeggiante / Gloria e Imeneo. Hyperion CDA 67361/2 (2 CDs, November 2002). Robert King, The King's Consort. Carolyn Sampson, Hilary Summers, Tuva Semmingsen, Charles Daniels, Andrew Foster. A 'strum along' performance, marred by the almost constant strumming guitar. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Recommended Recordings

See the NewOlde.com Vivaldi Operas page for opera recordings.

Antonio Vivaldi. Opera Arias and Sinfonias. Hyperion CDA 66745. Emma Kirkby. Roy Goodman, The Brandenburg Consort. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Antonio Vivaldi. Gloria, Nulla in mundo pax sincera, Nisi dominus, Cantatas. Decca (2 CDs). This reissue includes Emma Kirkby's stellar performance of 'Nulla in mundo pax sincera', first released on the flip side of the Gloria in 1978. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Antonio Vivaldi. Sacred Music, volume 2. Hyperion CDA 66779. Deborah York, Catherine Denley, James Bowman. Robert King, The King's Consort. Motets. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Micky White Vivaldi Songs

Vivaldi. Gloria e Imeneo. Ligia Digital Lidi 0202016-94 (1 CD 1994). Jean Estournet, Ensemble Jean-Marie Leclair. Gloria: Jean Nirouët, countertenor; Imeneo: Robert Expert, countertenor. Sinfonias added at the beginning and end. DE | FR | JP
Vivaldi. Gloria e Imeneo. Dynamic CDS 125 (1 CD 1994). Carlos Gubert, Accademia Bach Baroque Orchestra. Gloria: Eva Lax, mezzosoprano; Imeneo: Paola Rossi, contralto. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Reissued 2005: UK | DE
Vivaldi, Musica Sacra Vol 1: Stabat Mater RV 621, Clarae stellae, scintillate RV 625 & concertos RV 556, 544a, 579 & sonata RV 130. Opus 111. OPS 30-261 (1999). Sara Mingardo, Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano. Another brilliant performance by Sara Mingardo. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP


Michael Talbot. The Chamber Cantatas of Antonio Vivaldi. Favorably reviewed by Clifford Bartlett in Early Music Review 112: 21-22 (April 2006). 234 pages. The Boydell Press 2006. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Michael Talbot & Federico Maria Sardelli. Vivaldi's Music for Flute and Recorder. Ashgate 2006. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP
Eric Cross. The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 1727-1738. 2 volumes. I: 277 pages. II: 320 pages. UMI Research Press, 1981. 326 pages. I: ISBN 0835711854; II: ISBN 0835711587. Appendix I: Work List with dates, places, librettists, casts & sources. Appendix II: Borrowings. Volume II consists entirely of musical examples, including incipits for each movement in the Turin scores. US | UK
Reinhard Strohm. Dramma per Musica: Italian Opera Seria of the Eighteenth Century. Details. Yale University Press, 1997. 326 pages. The author's second collection of his articles about 18th Century serious opera. Contents include: Apostolo Zeno's Teuzzonne and its French models; Antonio Vivaldi's setting of Teuzzone: dramatic speech and musical image. US | UK
Nigel Fortune (ed.) Music and Theatre: Essays in honour of Winton Dean. Cambridge University Press, 1987. 389 pages. Contents include: Vivaldi and Handel's settings of Giustino, by Reinhard Strohm. US | UK

Micky White Vivaldi Wikipedia

Michael Talbot. The Sacred Vocal Music of Antonio Vivaldi. Details. 566 pages. Softcover. Olschki 1995. UK
Iain Fenlon & Tim Carter (eds.) Con Che Soavità: Studies in Italian Opera, Song and Dance, 1580-1740. 336 pages. Oxford University Press 1995. Contents include: Vivaldi and the Pasticcio: Text and Music in Tamerlano, by Eric Cross. US | UK
Michael Talbot. Venetian Music in the Age of Vivaldi. 364 pages. Ashgate 1999. Collection of articles by Talbot: Musical academies in eighteenth-century Venice; Tenors and basses at the Venetian Ospedali; Vivaldi and the empire; Vivaldi's Serenatas: long cantatas or short operas?; Vivaldi's 'Manchester' sonatas; Vivaldi's conch concerto; A Vivaldi sonata with obbligato organ in Dresden; Lingua romana in bocca veneziana: Vivaldi, Corelli and the Roman School; Vivaldi and Rome: observations and hypotheses; Vivaldi's sacred music: the three periods; New light on Vivaldi's Stabat Mater; The function and character of the instrumental ritornello in the solo cantatas of Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751); Albinoni's oboe concertos; The effects of music: Benedetto Marcello's cantata Il Timoteo; The Marcian motets of Benedetto Vinaccesi; The Taiheg, the Pira and other curiosities of Benedetto Vinaccesi's Suonate da camera a tre, Op. 1. US | UK
Michael Collins & Elise K. Kirk (eds.) Opera and Vivaldi. University of Texas Press, 1984. 398 pages. Contents include: Venetian Theaters during Vivaldi's life, by William C. Holmes; Costume in the Frescoes of Tiepolo and Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera, by William L. Barcham; Opera Criticism and the Venetian Press, by Eleanor Selfridge-Field; Voice Register as an Index of Age and Status in Opera Seria, by Roger Covell; Cadential Structures and Accompanimental Practices in Eighteenth-Century Italian Recitative, by Michael Collins; Embellishing Eighteenth-Century Arias: On Cadenzas, by Howard Mayer Brown; The Relationship between Text and Music in the Operas of Vivaldi, by Eric Cross; Vivaldi as Self-Borrower, by Klaus Kropfinger; Vivaldi's Orlando: Sources and Contributing Factors, by John Walter Hill; Preparing the Critical Edition: An Interview with Alan Curtis, by Marita P. McClymonds; Grazio Braccioli's Orlando furioso: A History and Synopsis of the Libretto, by Michael Collins. US | UK
Reinhard Strohm. Essays on Handel and Italian Opera. Collection of Strohm's essays, some published in English for the first time. A book to which I return repeatedly. Cambridge University Press, 1985. Rare & out of print. Contents include: Vivaldi's career as an opera producer. US

Micky White Vivaldi


Styling the biography of a major composer as a chronological series of original documents accompanied by ample commentaries, an idea pioneered in O.E. Deutsch’s Documentary Biography of Handel (1955), has the advantage of revealing with clarity and accuracy the true foundations of our biographical knowledge of him. Micky White’s new account of Antonio Vivaldi’s life, which uses not only well-known documents but also ones newly discovered by her and other scholars, is the first such study of Vivaldi to adopt this method. It reveals the composer more clearly than ever in his musical, familial, religious and social settings, giving us greater insight into his personality and daily life. The author, who has lived in Venice for many years and devoted herself assiduously to the task of uncovering new archival information, besides checking, collating and evaluating the already known data, has produced an irreplaceable vade mecum for Vivaldians that will be an essential resource for a long time. The volume is accompanied by a free CD-ROM containing reproductions of the original documents.

'synopsis' may belong to another edition of this title.